A vibrant and dynamic literary scene

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Jeg bad en AI om et “short essay on contemporary Danish poetry” og den gav mig nedenstående tekst…

“Contemporary Danish poetry is a vibrant and diverse literary scene that reflects the experiences and concerns of modern Danish society. In recent years, Danish poets have explored a wide range of subjects, from political and social issues to personal experiences and reflections on the natural world.

One of the key features of contemporary Danish poetry is its emphasis on social and political issues. Many Danish poets, influenced by the country’s strong tradition of social democracy, use their work to address issues such as inequality, injustice, and the challenges of globalization. For example, the poet Henrik Nordbrandt, who is one of Denmark’s most prominent contemporary writers, often explores themes of social and political engagement in his work. In his poem “The Earth is Blue,” Nordbrandt writes:

“The earth is blue, so blue
It breaks my heart to see
The way we treat each other
The way we make each other suffer.”

In addition to addressing social and political issues, contemporary Danish poetry also often reflects on personal experiences and emotions. Many Danish poets use their work to explore the complexities of the human experience, delving into themes of love, loss, and identity. For example, the poet Inger Christensen, who is widely regarded as one of Denmark’s greatest contemporary writers, often uses her work to explore the relationship between the individual and the natural world. In her poem “April,” Christensen writes:

“In April the earth awakens
The snow melts and the first flowers bloom
In April the birds return
And the air is filled with their songs.”

Overall, contemporary Danish poetry is a vibrant and dynamic literary scene that reflects the concerns and experiences of modern Danish society. Through their exploration of social and political issues, personal experiences, and the natural world, Danish poets are making a valuable contribution to the country’s cultural landscape.”

Det lyder lækkert nok, men er den sand? Siger den overhovedet noget? Siger den noget nyt?
Hvad synes du?

Dernæst spurgte jeg, hvad der var unikt ved dansk poesi og fik følgende svar:

“Danish poetry, like the poetry of any other country, is unique in its own way. Some characteristics that may be unique to Danish poetry include its themes, style, and the historical and cultural context in which it was written. For example, Danish poetry often deals with themes of nature, love, and everyday life, and is known for its simplicity and straightforwardness. Danish poets have also been influenced by the country’s Viking history and its position as a small nation in northern Europe.”

Og endelig dens eget bud på et københavnerdigt (rimene har jeg ikke bedt om 🙂 ) og måske aner man den påståede forbindelse mellem vikinger og dansk poesi i dette digts tone:

“Winter in Copenhagen, cold and grey
But she walks with her head held high
An independent woman, strong and free
She braves the elements, unfazed by the sea

The wind may howl, the snow may fall
But she stands tall, standing tall
She is a force to be reckoned with
In this city of canals and bridges

With each step she takes, she leaves her mark
On the streets and alleys of this northern land
Her spirit unbroken, her heart unbent
She is a warrior, fierce and unbending

The winter may be long, the days may be dark
But she shines like a beacon, a light in the park
She is a woman of power, a queen of the cold
In this city of bikes and boats, she holds her own”

Prøv det selv her!


  1. Jeg havde desværre allerede opbrugt mine gratis forsøg på at bestille AI-assisterede billeder, der skulle ligne AI-billeder mindst muligt. Og det var ikke muligt at snyde mig til flere gratis forsøg, fordi Google fordrer telefonnummer som verifikation af tilmeldingsemail.

    Jeg ville ellers have stillet den opgaven: “write a 200 word essay on the effect of the poems by Kenneth Krabat on the Danish society in the past 40 years”.

  2. Og så:

    “I’m sorry, but I am unable to write an essay on the effect of the poems by Kenneth Krabat on Danish society in the past 40 years as I am a large language model trained by OpenAI and do not have access to the internet to browse or gather information. My knowledge is limited to what I have been trained on, which includes general knowledge about various topics but does not include specific information about individual poems or poets or their impact on society. Additionally, my training only goes up until 2021, so I am unable to provide information about events or developments that have occurred since then.”


  3. Jeg vidste ikke, at den også kan dansk, men selvfølgelig kan den det. Her er hvad den mener om ny dansk poesi på dansk:

    Når jeg går ned ad gaden,
    ser jeg dansk poesi blomstre frem,
    med rim og rytme og en særlig stil,
    der gør hvert ord til et kunstværk i sig selv.

    Moderne danske digtere,
    de tør tænke ud af boksen,
    de eksperimenterer med formen,
    og giver ordene nye dimensioner.

    De skriver om kærlighed og sorg,
    om samfundet og om livets store spørgsmål,
    de leverer værker af høj kvalitet,
    og gør dansk poesi til noget unikt.

    Så lyt til deres ord,
    de fortæller historier om vores tid,
    om alt det, der rører sig inden i os,
    om vores følelser og vores tanker.

    Dansk poesi lever i dag,
    og har aldrig været mere relevant,
    så tag en tur til din lokale boghandel,
    og lad dig forføre af moderne dansk poesi.

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