“The poet”

- skuespilleren Gael Garcia Bernal lægger stemme til en flygtning, der ikke selv kan stå frem -

Gael gives his voice to a poet who lives in the memory of a lost love.

It’s been four years now but he remembers everything as if it had happened the day before. He was a student, but also a poet. Encouraged by a teacher, he began to write more, arousing the interest of a girl he was in love with. Although he read her his poetry he never revealed his feelings. He comes from a poor family, whereas hers is a very well-to-do background, he was convinced that they had no future together. Then one day he found the courage to tell her that all his poems were for her.

-> oxfam
Hør også Maggie Robbie og John Cho lægge stemmer til flygtninge, der ikke selv kan stå frem.

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